Fan Fiction

Annoying Orange: Well, this "superglue" is not gonna attach us. HAHAHA!

(Nerville runs in)

Nerville: Hey, Orange! I believe you did not glue something to the wall, haven't you?

Orange: Uh, no?

Pear: Unbelieveable.

Lisa Simpson: Mr. Nerville, Marshmallow is making an hurricane. Hurry!

Orange: I bet this is a "hurry-cane". HAHAHA!

Marshmallow: (rage) YOU'LL NEVER STAND MY DEFEAT!!! (demonic voice) DIE!!!

(Roof falls on Midget Apple)

Charlie Brown: Good grief!

Lisa Simpson: (gasps) Hurry, Nerville!

Nerville: Okay, okay! (Runs to Marshmallow) Pony, pony.

Marshmallow: YAAAAAAY!

(Everybody cheers. Cuts to a title card saying "THE END")
