Fan Fiction

This is a list of projects created by charectars in T-o-s.

By: Roc.


The Growth Machine.

The Year Travel Elevator.

By: Roc.

The Freezies[]

Main article: The Freezies.

The Freezies is a fictional diease that Laurie created from invisiblity vision glasses.

He added side effects which are:

An sparkle.

Rep-licated eyes.

Chipmunk imatation.

May 3rd, 2014.

By: Roc.


In January 2014 Ben the Frog had a condition called The Freezies which never affected his body since he was 1 years old. This was caused by spark-ling stars in his body. 

How it works[]

The operation of the freezies are caused by an sparkle, and rep-licated eye-site.

Chipmunk Imatation []

The chipmunk imatation is caused by blindness. When people go to grab something there eyes make them have an eye-site of not being able to see what they are suggested to grab and they grab another object.   This is caused by blindness. When the person is blind it make other people think that the person has the eye-site of dreaming with their eyes open.   The blindness is caused by a seed that has colors in it. Another term for this diease is adressed as frenzies in humans but that's not a physical disease. The cheese causes movements from going through spots. The blindness is caused by glasses. 

By: Roc. 


Before the change the diease started out as a dream, on August 30th, 2011 the diease had a different name Olives Dance. The  re-plicated eye site effect was created using face masks. The freezies scenes will be filmed with the people performing with the mask. The mask will be covered in order keep the real portion of the mask being hidden.

May 3rd, 2014.

By: Roc.


1: This will be featured as a special feature of this DVD.

2: The disease the frozen body was created by the growth machine.  

By: Roc.
