Fan Fiction

The evil Sith Darth Horra was given command of the battleship Black October by the evil Emperor, Bad Vader. Darth Horra cloaked the Black October and headed to Federation space. When a Federation free trader approached Starbade 11, the Black October decloaked and destroyed the free trader. What Darth Horra did not know was that the free trader was in communication with the USS Lexington NX-85453, commanded by Good Vader. The Lexington warped to where the free trader was destroyed. When the Lexington arrived at the trader's last known location, no one was there. What the Lexington did not know was that the Black October was cloaked and waiting for them. Good Vader observed very closely and detected a spatial anomaly. Unsure of what it was, Good Vader called for a Red Alert, with shields up. The Black October then decloaked and attacked the Lexington. The Lexington was ready. The Lexington was much more powerful than the Black October. First, the Lexington disabled the Black October's cloaking device. Then, the Black October was destroyed with multiple quantum torpedo hits. Darth Horra was killed. The evil Emperor Bad Vader was furious. He said "I will have my revenge, Good Vader!"
